The effects of knowledge of results precision and activities during the post - KR delay interval on motor learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과지식의 정확성과 결과지식 후 지연간격 동안의 간섭활동이 운동학습에 미치는 영향
33(2) 5-15, 1994
The effects of knowledge of results precision and activities during the post - KR delay interval on motor learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과지식의 정확성과 결과지식 후 지연간격 동안의 간섭활동이 운동학습에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this research is to prescribe the effect of motor learning by continuous quantitative KR, continuous qualitative KR, the former quantitative KR and the latter qualitative KR, rests after the former qualitative KR and the latter quantitative KR, cognitive interpolated activity, and motor interpolated activity in the course of practice.
Subjects consist of 240 right-handed female freshmen among college students and are assigned twenty persons to each twelve group by means of stratified sampling. Experimentation is linear positioning task.
Test results follow:
In rest-groups during the Post-KR delay interval, motor learning of following two groups are superior more significantly, which are groups of continous quantitative KR during the exercise course and a group of the former qualitative KR and the latter quantitative KR.
During the post-KR delay interval, there is a significant difference in the practice phase between groups in cognitive interpolated activity groups, but no significant difference in the retention phase.
In motor interpolated activity the motor learning of the former qualitative KR and the latter quantitative KR group is superior significantly.
As a whole, continous quartitative KR during the exercise course, and the rest group after the former qualitative KR and the latter quantitative KR are superior much significantly to other non-interpolated activity group, cognitive interpolated activity group and motor activity group.
Besides, cognitive interpolated activity group of continuous quantitative KR during the exercise course and the former qualitative KR and the latter quantitative KR are superior significantly to other cognitive interpolated activity group and motor interploated activity group.
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Philosophical Issues in Contemporary Sport Management and Policy Formational : Ethics, racism and sexism, and drug use 인문 · 사회과학편 : 현대의 스포츠경영과 정책수립에 있어서의 철학적 과제 - 윤리적, 인종적, 성적, 약물사용문제를 중심으로 -
33(2) 16-23, 1994
Philosophical Issues in Contemporary Sport Management and Policy Formational : Ethics, racism and sexism, and drug use 인문 · 사회과학편 : 현대의 스포츠경영과 정책수립에 있어서의 철학적 과제 - 윤리적, 인종적, 성적, 약물사용문제를 중심으로 -
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Rousseau's Naturalistic Thoughts of Physical Education - Centering Around the 『Emile』 - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 루소의 자연주의(自然主義) 체육관(體育觀) - 『에밀』을 중심으로 -
33(2) 24-38, 1994
Rousseau's Naturalistic Thoughts of Physical Education - Centering Around the 『Emile』 - 인문 · 사회과학편 : 루소의 자연주의(自然主義) 체육관(體育觀) - 『에밀』을 중심으로 -
Rousseau was a prophet on nature. He completed a firm system on the thought of physical education. He tried to have a new understanding of the nature of human nature, and established his the thought of physical education on it.
Rousseau was born in Geneva, Swiss. To meet Madame Warens enabled him to enter his study entrance. The life of Rousseau was uneven, but his name was known to the general public for publishing 『Discours sur Les Sciences etles arts』, He completed 『Emile』, 『Julie ou Launouvelle Heloise』 and 『Contrat Social』 between in 1761 and 1762. He completed 『Les Confessions』 in 1770, but the government rejected the publication. He closed his life with loneliness in 1778.
Rousseau’s thought of physical education is based on naturalism, rationalism and liberalism. The thought of Rousseau is based on subjective naturalism. His naturalistic thought means the purity of human.
Rousseau’s thought of mind and body is dualism and both of them help mutual relationship. Especially, he thought that they could possess sound mind if they should have healthy body through physical training in babyhood and childhood. These physical training is able to overcome the fondness happening in adolescence.
Rousseau thought that they would need rest from works and physical activities. He thought that it is proper that they should rest with simple play. Also, the play must be made steady progress in order. To restrict or to disturb children’s activities gives them feeling of pain. When physical activities are encouraged and executed, physical health is able to be acquired. This physical health is able to have the intellectual, rational and moral acquirement. That is to say, these acquirements of physical, mental and rational power and moral natural etc, are possible only when they have healthy body through training. Rousseau thought that beauty of robust health was the most beautiful thing than any other aesthetic category.
The construction of 『Emile』 divides into five sections, Each sections is classified by a growth. period of human, The rate of section I, II, III which described physical education under 15 years old was as high as 80 percent-section I, II (babyhood, childhood) was 70 percent, section III (boyhood) was 8 percent. As we can see, we understand that Rousseau did emphasize physical education in childhood.
Therefore, Rousseau’s naturalistic thought of physical education showed in 『Emile』 must be performed physical education in one’s whole life. But Rousseau emphasized to have robust health body through physical training in nature, when(in) babyhood or childhood. Accordingly, Rousseau’s naturalistic thought of physical education could be summarized by ‘natural physical training’, ‘robust healthy body’, ‘sound mind’ and ‘moral self-abnegation’ etc from 『Emile』.
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A Study on the Judgement of Value in the Sports Competition : Ethical Dimension 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 경기에서의 가치판단 : 윤리적 차원
33(2) 39-45, 1994
A Study on the Judgement of Value in the Sports Competition : Ethical Dimension 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 경기에서의 가치판단 : 윤리적 차원
The purpose of this study is concerned with the fact that sacrificial spirit and fair play for injury prevention, political means, violence, cleception and drug management would be the dispuations problem of value on ethical grounds. Based on the ethical value these examples involve, this study attempts to reveal the priority of the values properly expected in the field of sports.
As a result of making an analysis of the contents of values in the sport competition, the following conclusion was drawn: When the sport competition is evaluated from a moral perspective for the proper value, the knowledge of the opponent’s ability to more an object temporarily or spatially, it appears to be the better advantage than any other immoral perspective. Because this result confirms to the evaluative criterion, the moral perspective, its relative advantage is bigger than any other value.
Evaluated from the perspective of the characteristic of the sport competition and from the moral perspective, the kind of competition evaluated to be a good sport competition has a positive value relationship to all the valueable outcome arising from the sport competition. This canbe summarized into two things:
Firstly, the good sport competition cloes not hamper or delay some kind of possible valueable outcome. Secondly, the sport competition would positively contribute to some kind of valueable outcome.
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Cultural-Anthropological Analysis of Dance Movement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 춤움직임 (Dance Movement) 의 문화인류학적 분석
33(2) 46-56, 1994
Cultural-Anthropological Analysis of Dance Movement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 춤움직임 (Dance Movement) 의 문화인류학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to present methodologies that can be used to analyze human dance Movement with the cultural value in the area of creative dance.
After reviewing the previous study, two different kinds of distinctive analytical methods were found. One was Joann W. Kealiinohomoku’s method which is to draw diagrams of dance Movement using Kurath notation system and then describes the result of the comparative study of different cultures in terms of time, space and style. The other was to draw distinctive dance movement phrases using Laban’s structural analysis and then discribes its qualities in an objective fashion through coding sheets test.
Coding sheets which were developed by Effort-shape concepts, were the following : Alan Lomax’ Choreometrics, Judith Lynn Hanna’s Dance Movement Data Categories, Elizabeth Kagan’s Coding sheets, Janis Pfrosich’s Coding sheets.
In the past when we attemped to search for distinctive features of Korean dance to make a creative work, we experienced lack of systematic and scientific method for the analysis of Korean dance because the distinctive features of Korean dance has been learned through personal sence of the emotion.
The methods of suggested above can be used to record the distinctive features of Korean dance and test it in an objective fashion. The use of those methods should help to find original and primary elements of creative Korean dance work and thus enhance the Korean dance to the globalized level.
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A Study on Interinsic Values of Sport Experience 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 수행경험의 본질적 가치에 관한 연구
33(2) 57-63, 1994
A Study on Interinsic Values of Sport Experience 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 수행경험의 본질적 가치에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to find interinsic values of sport experience in order to understand the nature of sport. For doing so, this study focused on the nature and structure of esthetic experience as a form of sport experience. Recently, the approach of phenomenology and existentialism to sport provides the important clue for discussing the meaning of physical education as well as the understanding the nature of sport. In the perspective of phenomenological existentialism, the core of research of physical education have to related to the issues of sport experience. In this situation, An understanding of essence of sport experience can give important turning point to the new ways of teaching and methods in physical education.
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A Study on the Present Conditions and the Problems of Traditional Martial Arts 인문 · 사회과학편 : 전통무예의 현황과 과제에 관한 연구
33(2) 64-86, 1994
A Study on the Present Conditions and the Problems of Traditional Martial Arts 인문 · 사회과학편 : 전통무예의 현황과 과제에 관한 연구
The purposes of this study was first, to clarify the substance of traditional martial arts and to find the status of it, second, to investigate the present conditions and the problems of it, third, to suggest the project of it.
In order to meet the purposes of this study, researcher investigated and analyzed the records relating to the martial arts, interviewed with and questioned to the martial artists and the related persons.
The results were as follows.
Recently, eastern martial arts(named Muye 武藝, Musul 武術, and Mudo 武道) have used as the subject matter of physical education and as a means of sport or mental education and recognized and practiced widely by the general public. In 1992, 5,875 dojang(gym) was officially listed and named of matrial arts in various type. In this dojangs, the numbers of taekyondo dojang is the largest (63%), the second one is hapkido (16%), and imported martial arts dojang is 10%, and the others is 11%. Especially many of traditional martial arts except taekwyondo have been lain unsystematic conditions. We are confronted with many problems in traditional martial arts weakness in traditinalism, exhibitionism in one`s superiority, amphlified on the secret, unconsious japanism, hurriedly constructed philosophism, unconsidered commercialism, trying various change.
So, to solve these problems, I recommand philosophizing, organizing, systemizing, and poupularizing of trational martial arts.
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A Study on the importance and Value of Movement Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : Movement Education의 가치와 중요성
33(2) 87-96, 1994
A Study on the importance and Value of Movement Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : Movement Education의 가치와 중요성
The nature of movement is as broad and as deep as the nature of man and it is being studied in relation to every fact of life. The human, like the animal, is born with a natural drive for movement and he gradually expands his capacities for effective movement through inner impules and repetitious attempts. The rhythm of body movement is the flow of movement which created by energy and which progress in time and space. Rhythm is created by the coordinater interplay of dynamics or energy, time and space. The term dynamics deasls with energy, or force and time is the element which exemplifies speed or duration of movement. The term space as related to body movement refers to where a motion starts and where it ends and what happens space wise during this process. Each individual has a particular rhythm of his own, as well as an innate drive to carry out his actions for practical and aesthetic reasons.
Movement education differs from conventional gymnastics in its basic approach and philosophy. It is not a training for skills in gymnastics, athletics, cance, or anyother specific activity, but it is an education for the improvement of all dnnate organic movements. It will contribute, therefore, to effective and so benefit the student`s physical, mental, and emotional development. Since the human organism is an inseperable unity of body, mind, and spirit, this fact is taken in to account by the teacher of modern movement education. The immediate goals are the cultivation of finer sensitivity and creativity, as well as efficiency and beauty of motion.
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A Study on Sports Consumer Segmentation 인문 · 사회과학편 : 전략 마케팅을 위한 스포츠소비자 세분화에 관한 연구
I Want to aim at marketing segmentation of sports consumers. With 1,200 users of 6 sports centers in Pusan as the subjects, their demographic, behavioral and lifestyle factors were examined. The following shows the conclusion :
1. The market of sports centers and commercial facilities had 19.4% if large users, 61.9% of medium users and 18.7% of small users.
2. Sports consumers had 5 elements of lifestyle-fashion, personality, achievement, self-control and sports in order.
3. According to demographic segmentation, small users turned out to be females in their 30s∼60s, mostly housewives or running their own shops, they also tended to have some children, a low educational background(middle school or lower), and an irregular pattern of enjoying holidays. On the other hand, large users were found mostly males in their 20s, such as salaried men, government officials, technical engineers and students. They were enjoying the centers once or twice a week, while they were largely single and had a high educational background(high school or higher).
4. Small users, as for consumer behavior, had a similar pattern of hardly watching actual games or TV and radio sports programs, throughout the year reading sports columns or sports newspapers one or two times a week, and spending less than 50,000won in sports-related activities. On the contrary, large users tended to watch 1∼10 actual games a year, watch TV events 7 times a week, listen to radio sports programs at least 3 times a week, read sports columns or newspapers every day, and spend more than 200,000won in buying sports goods and in other sports-related activities.
5. Concerning the lifestyle factor, small users tended to have the fashion element and large users the sports element. Largely speating, the former’s leading elements were achievement, fashion and personality-thus pursuing a different lifestyle from others’ and maintaining an unusual zeal for fashion and accomplishment. In contrast, the latter’s leading elements were personality, sports and achievement-so own performance and style of living.
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A Study on Motivation of Sport Participation and Building of Social Attitudes of Athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 스포츠 참가(參加) 동기(動機)와 사회적(社會的) 태도(態度) 형성(形成)에 관한 연구(硏究)
이준희JoonHeuiLee , 박성계SungGyePark
33(2) 111-119, 1994
A Study on Motivation of Sport Participation and Building of Social Attitudes of Athletes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 스포츠 참가(參加) 동기(動機)와 사회적(社會的) 태도(態度) 형성(形成)에 관한 연구(硏究)
이준희JoonHeuiLee , 박성계SungGyePark
The purpose of this study is to identify the process of building the social attitude: through motivation of sport participation.
Subjects were 152 male athletes and 126 female athletes students attending College in Pusan area.
The date were collected from a self-administrated questionnaires. It were analysed through Regression analysis and F-test.
The findings of this study are as follows :
1. These research revealed that the motivation of sport participation effected in the building of social emotion attitudes which indicated friendship, activity and character building motivation. In the case of male athletes, The friendship motivation of sport participation, and in the Female athletes the character building motivation was revealed as the most influencing motivation.
2. These research revealed that the motivation of sport participation effected in the building of social integration attitudes which indicated character building, friendship and activity motivation. In the case of male athletes the character building motivation of sport participation, and in the Female athletes the friendship motivation was revealed as the most influencing motivation.
3. These research revealed that the motivation of sport participation effected in the building of socializating attitudes which indicated character building, and activity motivation. In the case of male athletes the character building motivation of sport participation, and in the Female athletes the activity motivation was revealed as the most influencing motivation.
4. These research revealed that the motivation of sport participation effected in the building of social control attitudes which indicated character building, achievement motivation. In the case of male and Female athletes the character building motivation of sport participation was revealed as the most influencing motivation.
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The Relationship among the 6 Sectors of Psychological Skills for Sport 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 경기에 대한 정신기능의 영역별 관계
33(2) 120-132, 1994
The Relationship among the 6 Sectors of Psychological Skills for Sport 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 경기에 대한 정신기능의 영역별 관계
The purpose of this study is to find the psychological skills for sport of male’ high school athlete.
The subjects randomly chosen were 1284 male athletes, above 17 years old whose careers were at least five years.
The questionnaire (PSIS) made by Michal J. Mahoney’ PSIS Korean edition was used for this study. PSIS is composed of six items : anxiety, concentration, confidence, mental preparation, motivation, and team emphasis.
The data were analyzed by SPSSX program.
The conclusion is made as follows ;
1. In the psychological skills for sport of male’ high school athlete, team emphasis is a basical factor.
2. In the psychological skills for sport of male’ high school athlete, there are significance correlation among the anxiety, the concentration and the confidence.
3. In the psychological skills for sport of male’ high school athlete, mental preparation and motivation items of game are individual factors.
4. In the motivation items of game is a significance difference mean highest than other items.
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A Kinematic Analysis of Cuervo and Cuervo Full - turn Motions of Gymnastics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체조 쿠에르보와 쿠에르보 풀턴 동작의 운동학적 분석
김상국SangKookKim , 박영진YoungJinPark
33(2) 133-143, 1994
A Kinematic Analysis of Cuervo and Cuervo Full - turn Motions of Gymnastics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체조 쿠에르보와 쿠에르보 풀턴 동작의 운동학적 분석
김상국SangKookKim , 박영진YoungJinPark
The purposes of this study were to analyze the Cuervo and Cuervo full-turn motions of gymnastics, and to suggest the general guide-lines of performing and teaching these motions. The performances of the two elite subjects were filmed using two 16㎜ photosonic cameras set at 100 frames per second as they performed the Cuervo and Cuervo full-turn motions three times for each. The best performances were analyzed using Kwon3D computer program. Butterworth low-pass digital filtering set at 4th order and cut-off frequency of 6㎐ was used for raw data smoothing, and a synchro timer was used for synchronization, and DLT method(11 parameters, 24 control points) was used to obtain 3 dimentional data. Time, displacement, velocity and angular displacement variables were compared between subjects, between motions, and between present and previous studies.
Results were :
1. Time : present study showed shorter on-board time and postflight time than previous studies. Postflight time of Cuervo full-turn was found longer than Cuerve. S1 showed longer on-board time and postflight time and shorter on-horse time than S2.
2. Displacement : Horizontal displcements of center of mass of body during approach and preflight in the present study showed lower values than those in the previous studies. Higher vertical displacement at maximum height and lower value at landing were shown in the present study than in the previous studies. Higher horizontal displacement during preflight and postflight, and higher vertical displacement during postflight in the Cuervo full-turn than Cuervo reflecet that more complicated motions need higher vertical horizontal displacements(velocities) during postflight. S1 showed higher horizontal displacements during preflight and postflight, and higher value at maximum height than S2.
3. Velocity : higher horizontal velocity during approach, higher vertical velocity at board take-off, and higher horizontal and vertical velocities at horse take off were found in the present study than in the previous ones. Less decrease in the vertical velocity during preflight in the present study is considered as an important factor for better performance in these motions in addition to more increase in the vertical velocity and less decrease in horizontal velocity during horse-touch as reported in the previous studies.
Higher vertical velocity at board take-off and horse take-off in the Cuervo full-turn motion thin in the Cuervo reflect that more complicated motion in the postflight needs higher vertical velocities at horse take-off and board take-off.
S1 showed higher horizontal and vertical velocities at horse take-off than S2.
4. Angular Displacement : the subjects in this study showed good extension of body at postflight and knee extension at landing, But, more extensions of hip and knee joints at board take-off and horse-touch seemed to be necessary for better score. Subjects in the present study showed better elbow and knee extension and less hyper-extension at horse-touch in Cuervo motion than in Cuervo full-turn. Similar body extension was shown at horse take-off in the two motions.
Higher body angle was found in Cuervo full-turn than Cuervo. S1 showed better hip extension and S2 showed better elbow extension at horse-touch than the other. S2 showed more hyper-extension of hip joint at horse take-off than S1. No difference was found in the angular displacement of knee joint at landing between the two subjects, but more hip flexion at landing was found in S2 than in S1.
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Current Status of the Task and Policy of Physical Education in Korean Universities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학체육(大學體育)의 과제(課題) 및 정책(政策) 방향(方向)에 대한 현상적 연구
33(2) 144-155, 1994
Current Status of the Task and Policy of Physical Education in Korean Universities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학체육(大學體育)의 과제(課題) 및 정책(政策) 방향(方向)에 대한 현상적 연구
The purpose of this study was to provide some suggestions to improve current status of college sport activity classes as a service courses. The sport facilities of 8 universities were investigated and the questionnaire for this study were administered to 560 students in those universities. The results of this study were as follows :
1. The universities were not poorly equipped with sport facilities in light of the Korean Statute for University facilities, However, the present status was not enough to satisfy student’s need to enjoy sport activities in school life.
2. Students want to support club sport activities for the majority of participants rather than elite sport.
3. Students perceive mental health as the most important purpose of physical activity class, and good character and its refinement as the prime qualification of instructor. Students also perceive 30 members as a reasonable class size and want to alocate 70% in physical activity and 30% in related theories in each of classes.
4. Students perceive tennis as the most favorable sport among activity courses. Basketball, pingpong, and volleyball were also favorable sports among club sport activities.
It was suggested that the Ministry of Education and university authorities should present a new policy guidelines for improving college sport activity classes on the basis of student’s needs and interests.
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Influences of Mass media on Values in Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 매스 미디어가 스포츠 가치관에 미치는 영향
33(2) 156-169, 1994
Influences of Mass media on Values in Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 매스 미디어가 스포츠 가치관에 미치는 영향
The Purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between values in sports and their attention about TV, newspaper, magazine, radio and sports article on the point of mass media influencing cognitive, affective and behavioral domains.
Namely, this study is devoted to discover influences on values in sports by comparing and inspecting the frequencies of student’s watching TV, subscribing newspapers and magazines, and listening to radio.
To construct this study, 215 male students and 217 female students(total 432 persons) were represented as middle school students in Seoul.
A questionnaire designed for this study is based on Evarett(1962), Ko Jang Ho(1986) and Kim Young Kuk(l989)’s study with the purpose oil examining the influences on Mass media on values in Sports.
Based upon the result of the study, the following conclusions appear warrented:
1. Watching the TV influencing positive on economical values, value of recreation, value of association, aesthetic values of sports.
2. Listening to Radio influencing positive on economical values, value of recreation, aesthetic values of sports.
3. Reading newspaper influencing positive on value of recreation, aesthetic values of sports.
4. Reading magazine influencing positive on value of recreation, aesthetic values of sports.
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인문 · 사회과학편 : 살풀이춤의 선(線)을 통한 태권도 위생품세 연구
33(2) 170-180, 1994
인문 · 사회과학편 : 살풀이춤의 선(線)을 통한 태권도 위생품세 연구
The following results come from the study of the traditional Korean Sal-Pul Dance’s history, research on past data, and the dance’s movement structure.
1. The movement of the Sal-Pul Dance and the Korean traditional dance have a disvinct curve line, therefore, Tae-Kwon-Do’s Pum-Sae movement must apply the beautiful movememt of Health Pum-Sae which also has the distinct curve line.
2. Ki-Kong’s fundamental element, the right: body, the correct breathing, and the right mind, can be achieved by the combination of Sal-Pul Dance’s movement, Health Tae-Kwon-Do’s breathing, and the right mentality. Therefore, the positive effect of the Health Tae-Kwon-Do is the one to look forward to.
3. The prevention and the cure of adult diseases could be aided by applying the Sal-Pul Dance and Tae-Kwon-Do’s Pum-Sae to Health Pum-Sae.
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A Study of Carlo Blasis - Based on “(Traite, Elementaire, Theorique et Pratique de l'Art de la Dance )” 인문 · 사회과학편 : 카를로 블라시스의 생애와 무용예술 이론에의 공헌
33(2) 181-199, 1994
A Study of Carlo Blasis - Based on “(Traite, Elementaire, Theorique et Pratique de l'Art de la Dance )” 인문 · 사회과학편 : 카를로 블라시스의 생애와 무용예술 이론에의 공헌
Carlo Blasis, one of the recognized dance authors and teachers in the history of ballet, came from a noble Neapolitan family. His father, Francesco Blasis, could afford to give Carlo extensive influences in the arts and sciences.
Much of Carlo’s early life was spent in France. He made his debut as a dancer in Marseilles at the age 12, from there he went to Bordeaux to study with Dauberval, and to Paris where he worked with Gardel.
In 1817 he was back in Italy as soloist for Vigano at La Scala, and in 1820 he published his first book “Traite, Elementaire, Theorique et Pratique de l’Art de la Dance.”
His interests ranged beyond dance to anatomy, geometry and sculpture. In addition to being a choreographer, he was a dance writer and a poet. He published books not only on dance, but also on related aspects of dance.
His most important achievements came after 1837 when, following an accident which ended his dancing career, he was appointed director of Imperial Academy of Dance in La Scala. His technical innovations, such as the turn-out, the attitude, Contributed to the development of ballet, as a whole.
He established a tremendous work in ballet throughout the Romantic period, and developed the fundamental technical bases in dance for over the century.
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The Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Political and Diplomatic Changes in Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 서울올림픽이 한국(韓國)의 정치(政治) · 외교적(外交的) 변동(變動)에 미친 영향
김하영HaYeoungKim , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
33(2) 200-213, 1994
The Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Political and Diplomatic Changes in Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 서울올림픽이 한국(韓國)의 정치(政治) · 외교적(外交的) 변동(變動)에 미친 영향
김하영HaYeoungKim , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
The purpose of this research is to examine the influences of Seoul Olympics on the political and diplomatic changes in Korea. For the purpose of it, by using both a literature analysis method and a sense survey method, in other words, a theoretical study and an empirical study, I reached the following conclusion that :
1. The Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Factors and the Varients of the Political and Diplotmatic Changes
1) It had a positive influence on the factor of the international relations(The mean of the perception degree is 3.99).
2) It had a positive influence on the. factor of the political structure(The mean of the perception degree is 3.48).
3) It had a positive influence on the factor of the national unity(The mean of the perception degree is 3.47).
4) It had a negative influence on the factor of Korea’s relations toward America and North Korea(The mean of the perception degree is 2.97).
2. The Characteristics of the Populational Attributes of the Factors of the Political and Diplomatic Changes in Seoul Olympics
1) The characteristics by sex show an attentive difference in only international relations.
2) The characteristics by age show an attentive difference in all factors, the older a person is, the more positive it is.
3) The characteristic by academic background show an attentive difference in the factors of Korea’s relations toward America and North Korea, the poorer academic background is, the more positive it is.
4) The characteristics by occupation show an attentive difference in all factors, managers, workers for self-supporting service, and easy laborers is more positive than students and workers.
5) The characteristics by class show an attentive difference in the factor of the national unity, the higher class is, the more positive it is.
Synthesized above, it is estimated that Seoul Olympics had very positive influences on the political and diplomatic changes in Korea, and it is considered that it showed evident characteristics according to populational attributes.
Like this, it is considered that the structural changes Seoul Olympics has brought abut in political and diplomtic values, systems, norms, etc. proves developmental change theory, namely, macroscopic views in this research.
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The Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Social Cultural Changes in Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 서울올림픽이 한국(韓國)의 사회(社會) · 문화적(文化的) 변동(變動)에 미친 영향
이학래HakLaeLee , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
33(2) 214-230, 1994
The Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Social Cultural Changes in Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 서울올림픽이 한국(韓國)의 사회(社會) · 문화적(文化的) 변동(變動)에 미친 영향
이학래HakLaeLee , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
The purpose of this research is to examine the influences of Seoul Olympics on the political and diplomatic changes in Korea. For the purpose of it, by using both a literature analysis method and a sense survey method, in other words, a theoretical study and an empirical study, I reached the following conclusion that :
1. The Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Factors and Varients of the Social Cultural Changes.
1) It had a positive influence on the factor of the cultural art(The mean of the perception degree is 3.57).
2) It had a positive influence on the factors of the environment and the order(The mean of the perception degree is 3.35).
3) It had a positive influence on the factor of the social structure(The mean of the perception degree is 3.09).
4) It had a positive influence on the factors of social changes and a view of enterprise(The mean of the perception degree is 3.08).
5) It had a positive influence on the factor of regional feeling(The mean of the perception degree is 3.04).
6) It had a negative influence on the factor of social problems(The mean of the perception degree is 2.90).
2. The Characteristics of the Populational Attributes in the Influences of Seoul Olympics on the Factors of the Social Cultural Changes
1) The characteristics by sex show no difference in all factors.
2) The characteristics by age show no attentive difference in the other factors except for the factor of social problems, but the older a person is, the more positive it is.
3) The characteristics by academic background show a difference in only the factor of the cultural art. and the poorer academic background is, the more positive it is.
4) The characteristics by occupation show an attentive difference in only the factors of environment and social order, and managers and workers for self-supporting service is relatively more positive than students and laborers.
5) The characteristics by class show an attentive difference in social problems, the higher class is, the more positive it is.
Synthesized above, it is estimated that Seoul Olympics had positive influences on the social cultural changes in Korea, and it shows evident characteristics according to populational attributes.
It is considered that the structural changes Seoul Olympics has brought about in value, system, norm, etc. proves developmental change theory, namely, macroscopic vies in this research.
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The Analytical Investigation Study about Sociability Development in Class of Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육수업(體育授業)에서 아동(兒童)의 Social Development에 관한 조사(調査) 분석(分析) 연구(硏究)
33(2) 231-239, 1994
The Analytical Investigation Study about Sociability Development in Class of Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육수업(體育授業)에서 아동(兒童)의 Social Development에 관한 조사(調査) 분석(分析) 연구(硏究)
In this study, I do investigation and analysis about boy and girl’s sociability, a man and a woman teacher’s view of the children’s sociality to find out effect and problem of physical education and probide with a harmonious development of body and spirit, and a upright guiding principle by analysing the children’s sociability in class of physical education. Results of study are as follow :
A Results.
1. In class of physical education the boy’s sociability measure the average 3.09/61.8 percent. The outer sociability(cooperative, observe the rules, pay regard to opinion, relativism, relieve the friend, effort, responsibility, moral, fulfil one’s role, readiness) is affirmative and the inner sociability(service, normative, a behavior worth. beautiful, we-feeling, calm, debate, arrangement) is negative. An interest and craving(active, ambitious) about activity of physical education is strong.
2. In class of physical educator, the girl’s sociability measure the average 3.11/62.2 percent, but find that they were negative and aware of evaluation. We must exploit the programe which is necessary for them to be active and ambitious the action, also we must analyze a guiding substance and exploit a barometer of evaluation for the sake of the girl’s need.
3. A man teacher’s view of the children’s sociability measure the average 2.93/58.6 percent. It is explaining that the positive action is to play joyful with friend but the negative action is to act with service, normative a behavior worth, calm and debate.
It is necessary for a guiding principle and content analysis to study for the sake of the affective domain’s internalization.
4. A women teacher’s view of the children’s sociability measure the averae 2.95/59 percent. It is analyzing that the active and ambitious action are positive but the action of service, normative, relativism, a behavior worth, calm, debate and arrangement is negative. It is necessary for a guiding principle, content analysis and studying materials as assistant to study for the sake of the extension of sociability.
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The result of lateral Dominance according to Brain hemisphere preference of high school player 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고등학교(高等學校) 선수(選手)들의 뇌반구(腦半球) 선호(選好)에 따른 일측우위성(一側優位性)의 결과(結果)
33(2) 240-253, 1994
The result of lateral Dominance according to Brain hemisphere preference of high school player 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고등학교(高等學校) 선수(選手)들의 뇌반구(腦半球) 선호(選好)에 따른 일측우위성(一側優位性)의 결과(結果)
This paper dealt with the relationship of lateral dominance shown by the high school athletes brain hemisphere preference. The results are as follows :
1. By the kinds of athletic sports, the athletes brain hemisphere preference was shown as P=.0001 significantly.
2. By the areas of athletic sports, the athletes brain hemisphere preference was shown as P=.0004 significantly.
3. By the one-hand lateral dominance, t-test result about athletes brain hemisphere preference was shown as P=0.0244 insignificantly.
4. Bay the one-eye lateral dominance, t-test result about the athletes brain hemisphere was shown as P=0.5146 in significantly.
5. By the one-leg lateral dominance, t-test result about athletes brain hemisphere was shown as P=0.456 insignificantly.
6. By the one-side of body lateral dominance, t-test result about the athletes brain hemisphere was shown as P=0.6359 in significantly.
7. By the one-hand lateral dominance, t-test result about athletes brain hemisphere preference was shown as P=0.611 insignificantly.
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A Study on the Development of a New Curriculum of Community Sports and Recreation 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 사회체육학과 교육과정 방향탐색에 관한 연구
33(2) 254-267, 1994
A Study on the Development of a New Curriculum of Community Sports and Recreation 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 사회체육학과 교육과정 방향탐색에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to investigate the direction of the curriculum through privious studies and reference materials in the department of community sports and recreation in the university.
Even though the university’s department of community sports and recreation has produced excellent leaders, it is very difficult to pursue specific specialties within expanded diverse roles. For this reason, the curriculum of the Department of Community Sports and Recreation has been misunderstood as a cultivation of physical education teachers rather than development of sport for all leaders and specialists.
The objectivies of the curriculum of Community Sports and Recreation must be established according to the ‘expected roles’ of the leaders. In addition, the content of the curriculum. requires specialized knowledges on subdivided activities. In order to be competent in each speciality, the teaching and programming in activity areas of subjects must be considered based on the characteristics of gender, local division, and university.
The introduction of new subjects should be encouraged regardless of an instructor’s current area of expertise. The process of making changes in the curriculum of Community Sports and Recreation will provide a complete model for applying related theories and practices in the field.
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A Conceptual Scheme of Social Function of Dance 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용의 사회적 기능에 관하여
33(2) 268-276, 1994
A Conceptual Scheme of Social Function of Dance 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용의 사회적 기능에 관하여
This study aims to identify the social function of dance and to formulate the conceptual scheme of the social function of dance on the basis of Parsons’s (1972) theory of social system.
The theory of social system articulates four functional imperatives so that a sub-social system survives and develops within inter-related atmosphere of all sub-social systems. The functional imperatives are adaptation, goal attainment, and latent pattern malntenance and tension management.
The four functional imperatives provide the basis of conceptual framework to identify the social function of dance. Also the anthropological analysis of the relationships between dance and society. and the analysis of the purpose of dance, the functional classification of dance were used to formulate the conceptual scheme of social function of dance.
Five social functions of dance were identified on the basis of the above analysis, They are socio-emotional function, socialization function, social integration function, religious function, and function of characterizing cultural identity.
The socio-emotional function of dance includes three sub-functions of creation of joy, catharsis of emotion, and heightening of physical vitality. The socializing function of dance performs internalization of dorminant values of society into consciousness structure of individual in the society.
The social integration function of dance includes three sub-functions of heightening sociablility of participants, formulating common interests among the people, and creating solidarity and unity of nation.
The religious function of dance includes three sub-functions of contributing to Gods, praying for fortune, and experiencing religious ecstasy
Finally, the dance’s function of characterizing cultural identity play the role of differentiating the belief system of one nation from another.
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Changes in Temporal Structure of Movement As a Function of Practice 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연습시행의 증가에 따른 동작의 시제적 구조 변화
33(2) 277-289, 1994
Changes in Temporal Structure of Movement As a Function of Practice 인문 · 사회과학편 : 연습시행의 증가에 따른 동작의 시제적 구조 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the essence of the process of motor skill acquisition through analyses of temporal changes in movement and in changes of acceleration graph. The experiment was designed in a within-subject design and all the results were handled by One Way ANOVA with repeated measures on block that consisted of 10 blocks of 7 trials, that is, a total of 50 trials. The results showed that informations on time error, time of response initiation(t1), movement time(MT), magnitude of peak force(P. F) and absolute interval between the time of peak force onset and the end of movement completion(t4) in performing a ballistic coincidence timing linear task were shown to be statistically significant as a function of practice.
However, the analyses of movement completion time(t2) along with the absolute interval between the time of peak force onset and the time of movement beginning(t5) were not significant. Multiple Regression Analyses were conducted block by block for checking the relationship between temporal variables and timing error of movement. As the results of these analyses, the effects were evidenced statistically significant in block 1, block 7 and block 9. In sum, these results suggested that response initiation time decreased gradually late in practice phase in accordance with repeated practices. Movement time became shorter as practice increased. In a similar vein, the magnitude of peak force in movement performance decreased as shown in the acceleration profile. The onset point of peak force in movement performance was made as close to the start time of response as possible rather than to the movement completion time. In conclusion, the results indicated that movement variables were controlled early in movement planning time before the response was initiated, as practice trials increased in the case of rapid movement.
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A Study on Directions of Leisure Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여가교육의 방향 설정을 위한 연구
김경수KyungSooKim , 김기영GiYoungKim
33(2) 290-301, 1994
A Study on Directions of Leisure Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여가교육의 방향 설정을 위한 연구
김경수KyungSooKim , 김기영GiYoungKim
The increase of a leasure due to the economic strength’s improvement, the working hours’ shortening, and the average span of life’s lengthening does not promote the quality of life directly. Therefore it is important that one has the correct cognition and attitude toward a leasure and realize the way how to use a leasure creatively and desirablely.
Furthermore the education of a leasure from a viewpoint of the education for the whole man is more important than the education attaching great importance to the practicality and the intellectualism. Because the importance of a leasure increases in the rapidly changing society, From this point of view, this study proposes the ideas that a leasure Should be fixed at a sound life style.
1. One should get out of the dichotomous concept of sufferings of work and the delight of play, and take the play factors while working. Therefore one should have confidence that he is his self-relience of working and works freely and creatively. Eventually this idea makes him work delightful, not because of the reward for the result of work.
2. We make him overcome the biased view of working and playing. And we make him have the sense of value that evaluate highly not only working hard but also playing sound.
3. We should force him to get out of the uniformed sense of value that he have to be a worker of ability. And we have to him to find out his personality and talent.
4. We should make researches in the traditional play culture escaped our memory by the western culture and systematize the traditional play culture for everybody.
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Research about the actual guidance of physical education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육교육(體育敎育)의 지도(指導) 실태(實態)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
이장우JangWooLee , 김정식JeongSikKim
33(2) 302-312, 1994
Research about the actual guidance of physical education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육교육(體育敎育)의 지도(指導) 실태(實態)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
이장우JangWooLee , 김정식JeongSikKim
1. The guiding direction of physical education in future. So as to correspond with the social variation in future,
1) The guiding direction of physical education is a guide of socialization through physical education and has need of grounding and health guidance for healthy life
2) The improvable point of physical education needs expansion of athletic facilities and security of athletic implement, improvement of a curriculum and a plan about operations of the whole responsibility in a course of study.
2. The guiding realities and the problem in physical education
1) Many teachers don’t observe the regular time of physical education.
2) Teaching - learning’s activity is on making the teaching material and interest of the child the prime object for want of teaching materials study.
3) A playground is small and teaching - learning’s guide material is insufficient.
4) A base plan of practical evaluation draws up without relevancy in company with teaching learning’s activity, and draws up and applies at one’s option according to teacher regardless of children’s ability, the basis and the rank.
5) A teacher evades the whole responsibility in physical education because it is harder than other lessons and guide ability is insufficient.
6) A loss of instruction is due to playing in a designation and a compulsory event fournament. but a replacement guidance is not realized about it.
7) The basic knowledge about a safety incident’s limit of responsibility must be persented exactly.
8) A basic knowledge about a safety incident’s limit of responsibility must be presented exactly.
3. Affairs of the head teacher of physical education.
1) An athletic club’s guiding time is most frequent among affairs. To guide the child in class is difficult.
2) It is frequent to take part in all sport of games.
3) The expenses involved and the selection bearing of athletic become an issue in process of guidance extracurricular actirities of athletics. Also, teachers, parents of students and children, refuse it and almost compulsory guidance is on.
4) When he takes part in games, he feels awkward towards at game result and traffic relation.
5) The extracurricular activities of athletics are on uneducated guidance because of emphasis on the record and poqer of game’s elevation.
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A study on sports for all movement of YWCA : The activities of Health and Pysical Eucation Committee of Seoul YWCA 인문 · 사회과학편 : YWCA 사회체육 활동에 관한 연구 - 서울 YWCA 보건체육부 활동을 중심(中心)으로 -
33(2) 313-320, 1994
A study on sports for all movement of YWCA : The activities of Health and Pysical Eucation Committee of Seoul YWCA 인문 · 사회과학편 : YWCA 사회체육 활동에 관한 연구 - 서울 YWCA 보건체육부 활동을 중심(中心)으로 -
The Sports for all movement of YWCA have contributed in fostering women with Christian faith and with the mind, sprint and body to meet the social needs through women’s physical education activities. YWCA has also played a significant role in enhancing people’s health through a wide range of activities including various lectures, teaching the usage of playground facilities and spreading children’s games, training the first Korean national rhythm gymnast, and introduction of trampoline gymnastics.
Most importantly, bold investments in the construction of modern gymnasium including swimming pool facilities and with efforts to establish a close relationship with the members of the community through regional sports for all movement are needed for YWCA to be the foundation, as a women’s educational institution, for the development of women’s sports in the 21st century. They are also needed for the better health of the people and to incorporate sports for all movements into their everyday lives. To support these goals, development of various programs and bringing up of competent leaders is urgent.
Therefore, to incorporate sports for all movements into the everyday lives of the people, Health and Physical Education Committee of Seoul YWCA must actively promote founding of regional offices and must actively support their activities by training of leaders and developing high quality programs.
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A Study on the Leadership of Coacth for Male Athlete in High School 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고교 남자선수의 코치의 지도행동에 대한 인식 연구
33(2) 321-331, 1994
A Study on the Leadership of Coacth for Male Athlete in High School 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고교 남자선수의 코치의 지도행동에 대한 인식 연구
This study’s aims are proving if there is any kind of leadership they prefer, perceive and satisfy. and also if there is any difference between athlete group and coach group about their preference on the five leadership.
The experimental group consists of 1,464 high school athletes who have five years background, the controlled group consists of 354 leaders. All the sample athletes are randomly selected.
The researching tool is questionnaire(LSS) made by Chelladural and Saleh. which is composed of 5 sections : Training and Instruction Behavior, Democratic Behavior, Autocrative Behavior, Social Support Behavior and Positive Feedback. The data are treated by T-score, and above five sections are analysed by using ANOVA, T-TEST, CORRELATION, RELIABILITY, CON-DESCRIPTIVE.
The results obtained through this experiment are outlined as follows :
1. The preference of the high school athlete group on TI is higher than the orther styles and AB is lowest.
2. The perception of the high school athlete group on TI is higher than the orther styles and AB is lowest.
3. The preference of the high school athlete group on TI, DB, SS, PF are higher than the perception but AB is lower than.
4. The preference of the leader group on TI is the highest, second one is PF, third one is SS, forth one is DB, and the next one is AB.
5. The preference of the leader group on TI, SS, PF is higher than the athlete group and AB is lower than the athlete group but DB is not difference mean.
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A Study on the Practicing Level of Physical Education Policy 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육정책(體育政策)의 활용유형(活用類型)과 활용수준간(活用水準間)의 관계(關係)
33(2) 332-341, 1994
A Study on the Practicing Level of Physical Education Policy 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육정책(體育政策)의 활용유형(活用類型)과 활용수준간(活用水準間)의 관계(關係)
This was to look into how much the physical education policy is utilized. For this, decision-makers and executors in the Ministry of Culture and Education, the Korea Amateur Sports Association, athletic associations of each city and province, and the National Sports Promotion Corporation, became the subject of investigation, bearing the following results:
1) The arithmetic mean of the level on the whole was X=3.26, which means a little high.
2) With regard to demographic properties and the practicing level, no specific relationships between age and the practicing level appeared. And we saw that, as one’s academic career goes higher, so does the practicing level, showing the “plus(+) correlation”. Between service careers and the level of practicing physical education policy, there seems to be very low or no specific relationship, meaningless in statistics.
3) Regarding each type of utilizing the physical education policy, the arithmetic means of each level are as follows: practices as a measure X=3.0672, as a concept, X=2.9776, and political one appeared to be X=1.9254. Through this, practices as a measure, and as a concept seem to be average level, while the political use is a little rare.
4) In the types of utilizing the physical education policy, the more frequent practicing, the higher the level of practices as measure and as a concept each, with much correlation and significance. On the other hand, political practicing level appeared to be significant, but there’s no consistent relationships and correlation.
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Study on the Isokinetic Strength of Korean National Champion in Javelin Throw 자연과학 편 : 투장 한국기록 보유 선수의 등속성 근력에 관한 연구
홍순모SoonMoHong , 이강우KangWooLee
33(2) 345-360, 1994
Study on the Isokinetic Strength of Korean National Champion in Javelin Throw 자연과학 편 : 투장 한국기록 보유 선수의 등속성 근력에 관한 연구
홍순모SoonMoHong , 이강우KangWooLee
The purpose of the research is to measure the isokinetic strength of three parts(knee, ankle and shoulder) by each load speed from high speed to low speed utilizing the uniform velocity machine, Cybex- II system The subject of the study are current Korean national representative anthletes, Kim Ki-Hum and Lee Young-Sun.
In the Knee joint of the first subject, the left extensor strength is -26.9% lower than the right extensive strength. The right flexor strength is -20.2% lower than the left extensor strength. Relative strength : The right extensor flexor strength is 117% and 52%, respectively : the left extensor and flexor strength is 85% and 65%, separately : which results in injury danger followed by his low strength and imbalance.
In his ankle joint, the right PF strength is -23.4% lower than the left PF strength. The right DF strength is -7.9% lower than the left DF strength. Relative strength : the right PF and DF strength is 58% and 13%, respectively : the left PF and DF strength is 68% and 14%, separately, which results in injury danger followed by his low strength and disproportion.
In his shoulder joint, the left extensor is -6.4% lower than the right extensor and the left flexor strength also is -24.8% lower than the right flexor strength. Therefore, he needs to reinforce the left extensor and flexor strength. Relative strength : The right extensor and flexor strength is 64% and 56%, respectively : the left extensor and flexor strength is 60% and 30%, separately. That is, other strength shows very excellent conditions except the left flexor strength.
In the knee of the second subject, the left and right strength is that a loss is within -2.3%, which is equal and ideal. Relative strength : The right extensor and flexor strength is 123% and 56%, relatively : the left extensor and flexor strength is 119% and 58%, separately. That is, the left and right strength is relatively lower, but the strength shows very excellent conditions.
In her ankle joint, the right PF strength is -3.7% lower than the right PF strength, which is more or less balanced, but the right DF strength is -20.0% lower than the left DF strength. Relative strength : The right extensor and flexor strength is 41% and 23%, respectively : the left extensor and flexor strength is 39% and 20%, separately, which results in injury danger followed by the low strength and unbalance.
Therefore, to improve athletic performance and injury protection caused by strength unbalance, strength complement training should nessarily be requined.
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The change of relationship between physique and physical fitness according to the age increase 자연과학편 : 연령증가에 따른 체격과 체력간의 관련성변화
33(2) 361-368, 1994
The change of relationship between physique and physical fitness according to the age increase 자연과학편 : 연령증가에 따른 체격과 체력간의 관련성변화
The purpose of this study was to clarify the change of ralationalship between physique and physical fitness according to the age increase.
A total of 661 subjects, ranging from 13 to 18, were used this study. They were male students of junior high and senior high school in Pusan,Korea.
The test items of physique were standing height, body weight, and the test items of physical fitness were standing broad jump, running broad jump, handball throw for distance, l00 meter dash, trunk extention, trunk flexion, shuttle run, back strength and endurance run(1000 meters). Such test items were administered in July, 1990. The results were summarized as follows:
1. The the change of relationship between physique elements and physical fitness elements tended to decrease according to the age increase.
2. The degree of relationship expressed by coefficient of correlation between standing height and Physical fitness elements along with aging showed that fundamental motor skill was the highest, followed by muscular strength, flexibility and muscular endurance.
3. The degree of relationship expressed by coefficient of correlation between body weight and physical fitness elements along with aging showed that muscular strength was the highest, followed by fundamental motor skill, flexibility and muscular endurance.
4. The degree of contribution of standing height to each physical fitness elements generally tended to decrease according to age increase. but that of body weight. with exception of the muscular strength, did not show any definite tendency of decrease according to age increase.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of training with PO₂ Aeroic Exerciser on the responses of blood lactate, ammonia, catecholamine during 2.00m rowing ergometer race.
Also, this study examined the effects of simulated hypoxic training with PO₂ Aerobic Exerciser and normal training on changes in oxygen intake and performance time with 2,000m rowing ergometer simulated race. Ten male korean national delegate rowes participated in this study, and subjects were divided into two groups that a PO₂ Aerobic Exerciser training group (PO₂ group, n=5) spent 5 weeks of simulated hypoxic training with PO₂ Aerobic Exerciser and a normal training control group (NPO₂ group, n=5) had a corresponding training with general program.
1. In PO₂ group, oxygen intakes were increased (p<0.05) over pre-training levels immediately after rowing ergometer simulated race and race performance time decreased (p<0.05).
2. In PO₂ group, the maximum values of blood lactate and ammonia concentration were decreased (p<0.05) over pre-training levels after rowing ergometer simulated race, however, NPO group showed no changed.
3. In PO₂ group, the peak of norepinephrine and epinehrine concentration were increased (p<0.05) over pre-training levels after rowing ergometer simulated race, however, NPO₂ group(control group) showed no changed.
4. The ammonia, norepinephrine, epinephrine concentration were faster reduced than lactate during 5 min, recovery period.
5. This results suggest that the simulated hypoxic training with PO₂ Aerobic Exerciser influenced on the blood lactate, ammonia, norepinephrine, epinephrine and the recruitment of aerobic metabolism duing 2,000m rowing ergometer simulated race.
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The Effects of Exercise and Ginseng Saponin on Concentrations of Apolipoprotein C -Ⅱ, Very - Low - Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol, and Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Rats 자연과학편 : 운동과 인삼 사포닌이 흰쥐의 아포지질 단백질 C -Ⅱ 및 최저 - 밀도 지질 단백질 - 콜레스테롤농도와 지단백질 리파제활성에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Exercise and Ginseng Saponin on Concentrations of Apolipoprotein C -Ⅱ, Very - Low - Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol, and Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Rats 자연과학편 : 운동과 인삼 사포닌이 흰쥐의 아포지질 단백질 C -Ⅱ 및 최저 - 밀도 지질 단백질 - 콜레스테롤농도와 지단백질 리파제활성에 미치는 영향
NMR Spectroscopy approach to sports medicine 자연과학편 : NMR Spectroscopy의 스포츠 의학적 접근
33(2) 397-405, 1994
NMR Spectroscopy approach to sports medicine 자연과학편 : NMR Spectroscopy의 스포츠 의학적 접근
Scientists using technique of magnetic resonance(MR) have entered these studies from many different technologies and have exhibited many different skills and interests. Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) have high signal-to-noise ratios and submillimeter spatial resolution, and can be obtained within a few seconds.
Clinical studies benefit from their excellent pathological contrast which allows easy of detection. However, diagnosis using MRI is often hampered by a lack of specificity, The early hope of tumour-specific NMR relaxation times turned out to be unrealistic because of considerable dated overlap.
In vivo NMR spectroscopy provides a non-invasive insight into focal biochemistry in animals and humans. It identifies and measures signals from metabolites directly, without the model-dependent transformation of experimental results into biochemical data that is required. In general, too, signal intensities are linerarly related to cellular steady-state concentractions, so that NMR spectroscopy is both a qualitative and a quantitative analytical tool. Developement of routine quantification method for use in vivo is now a major goal.
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In vivo determination of skeletal muscle fiber types using 31P NMR Spectroscopy 자연과학 편 : 31P NMR Spectroscopy 를 이용한 생체내 골격근에서의 근섬유에 관한 연구
The metabolic response to isokinetic exercise determined by 31P NMR Spectroscopy was evaluated with respect to recruitment pattern of muscles and fiber type in response of the dominant arm from 7 baseball subjects.
NMR Spectroscopy was a biochemical sampling technique that allows the noninvasive quantification of several biomolecules in vivo. Muscle biopsy was the only method to study metabolic difference in the recruitment of different fibers. This invasive procedure gives only fragmently and instantaneous information and is inappropriate for front follow up in the same individual.
NMR Spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique allowing frequent reinvestigation in the same subject without harm.
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The proper intensity of exercise and the effect of exercise program for the coronary heart disease invalid 자연과학편 : 관상동맥 경화성 심장 질환자를 위한 운동강도설정 및 운동프로그램의 효과
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 노호성HoSungNho , 최성근SungKeunChoi
33(2) 416-424, 1994
The proper intensity of exercise and the effect of exercise program for the coronary heart disease invalid 자연과학편 : 관상동맥 경화성 심장 질환자를 위한 운동강도설정 및 운동프로그램의 효과
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 노호성HoSungNho , 최성근SungKeunChoi
In an attempt to identify the intensity of the exercise prescription, this study examined the physiological effect after the execution of exercise therapy to the CHD invalid. The following conclusions were drawn from eight months’ aerobic exercise at the level of LT. The subjects were ten CHD invalids aged 41 to 65.
1. Through the exercise program designed under this study, % fat, blood pressure and TG were lessened and aerobic capacity improved.
2. VO₂/LT occupied 70% of maximal oxygen uptake and HR/LT reached 75% of maximal heart rate. RPE equal to LT kept thirteen constantly during this program.
In the last analysis exercise intensity at the level of LT improved the aerobic capacity of the CHD invalid, the load should be strengthened according to the increase of VO₂/LT in order to sustain exercise intensity at the level of LT. The heart rate parallel to LT before exercise and RPE should be prescribed.
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Relationship between change of psychophysiological parameters and performance in pistol shooting 자연과학 편 : 권총사격시 심리 · 생리적 변인의 변화와 경기력의 관련성
33(2) 425-432, 1994
Relationship between change of psychophysiological parameters and performance in pistol shooting 자연과학 편 : 권총사격시 심리 · 생리적 변인의 변화와 경기력의 관련성
This study was performed to investigate the change of psycho-physiological factors as heart rate and Galvanic skin response during pistol shooting. The subjects were divided to two groups(elite players and novice playes) of male pistol shooter in high school. Changes of heart rate and Galvanic skin response were measured by the Pentograph (Lafayette Instrument Co., USA). The results are as follow :
1. Changes of heart rate and Galvanic skin response in novice group was significantly higher than values of elite group during pistol shooting. No significant differences in heart rate and Galvanic response were observed between two groups at resting state and lst session of pistol shooting.
2. Change of heart rate was correlated with the change of Galvanic skin response during pistol shooting. In novice group, Changes of heart rate and Galvanic skin response showed significant reverse correlation with the performance, respectively. But I cannot see the significant correlation in elite group.
3. Deviations of difference of psychophysiological factors during pistol shooting were correlated with performance.
In this results, I think that the range of change of heart rate and Galvanic skin response imply the negative factors to the performance in pistol shooting, and elite players showed lower deviation of psycho-physiological factors than novice players. Therefore, I can proposed the importance of training method that the feedback of individual optimal level in heart rate and Galvanic skin response were applicated to pistol shooting training.
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The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Obesity Prevention and the Improvement of Cardiorespiratory Function in Korean Women 자연과학편 : 여성의 비만방지 및 호흡순환기능 향상을 위한 유산소 운동의 효과
33(2) 433-443, 1994
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Obesity Prevention and the Improvement of Cardiorespiratory Function in Korean Women 자연과학편 : 여성의 비만방지 및 호흡순환기능 향상을 위한 유산소 운동의 효과
This study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise for middle-aged women participated in aerobic exercise classes at 2 private aerobic studios. The subjects were 3 groups : Long-term exercise group in which women exercised for over 2 years : Short-term exercise group for 10 weeks Non-exercise group. The values of measurement were body weight, body density, body fat, standing trunk flexion, vertical jump, burpee test, hanging on horizontal bar, Vo₂max, VEmax, RRmax, T-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and Triglyceride.
1) There were significant differences between pre and post tests of short-term exercise group and non-exercise group on body weight, body density, body fat.
2) There were significant differences within short-term exercise group on body weight, body fat, and body density.
3) There were no significant differences within short-term exercise group on hanging on horizontal bar and vertical jump, but short-term exercise group showed high values of physical ability test on post test.
4) High Vo₂max were masured for long and short-term exercise groups when comparing with non-exercise group. In pre-and post tests within short-term exercise group, post test values of Vo₂max and RRmax showed higher than pre test values.
5) There were no significant differences between groups on T-cholesterol and TG, but there was difference of T-chol /HDL-chol between pre and post tests.
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A Study on the Changes of Anaerobic Peak Power and Blood Lactate Concentration During the Maximal Intermittent Pedalling Exercise 자연과학편 : 휴식시간이 다른 간헐적 최대운동시 혈중젖산농도와 무산소성 파워의 변화
33(2) 444-452, 1994
A Study on the Changes of Anaerobic Peak Power and Blood Lactate Concentration During the Maximal Intermittent Pedalling Exercise 자연과학편 : 휴식시간이 다른 간헐적 최대운동시 혈중젖산농도와 무산소성 파워의 변화
The purpose of this study was to find optimal rest time by investigating blood lactate concentration and anaerobic peak power during maximal intermittent exercise(10 sec pedalling exercise in 10 set). Subjects were 10 students(21.4+0.87yrs) of S Women’s University in Seoul.
The two types of rest time were 10 sec (Exer. 1) and 30 sec (Exer. 2) rest time during maximal pedalling exercise in 10 sec.
The results from the data analysis were as follows :
1. In the maximal intermittent exercise, anaerobic peak power of during 10 set exercise was significantly higher at 30s rest time than at 10s rest time after the 4th set.
2. In the change of blood lactate concentration of 10 set maximal intermittent pedalling exercises, Blood lactate concentration in the exercise with 30s rest time was significantly lower than that with 10s rest time.
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Prediction and Establishment of Optimum Intensity of Stepping Exercise Prescription for the Obese Males 자연과학편 : 비만 남성들의 Stepping 운동처방을 위한 적정 운동강도 설정과 예측
33(2) 453-466, 1994
Prediction and Establishment of Optimum Intensity of Stepping Exercise Prescription for the Obese Males 자연과학편 : 비만 남성들의 Stepping 운동처방을 위한 적정 운동강도 설정과 예측
The purpose of this study was to predict and establish each time, total heart rate, and maximal heart rate by each height of stepping exercise(30㎝, 35㎝, 40em, 45㎝, 50㎝, 55㎝, 60㎝). The subjects classified into obese stepping exercise group above 30㎏/㎡ of body mass index. In order to determine the accurate cardio-respiratory response to stepping exercise, the heart rate response curves of each subjects by stepping height were evaluated for intensity of stepping height during 5min(1times/2sec, “up-up” “down-down”, 150steps/5min), and each submaximal stepping exercise consisted of obese subjects for five minutes at each of seven different stepping heights in order to find out the most appropriate stepping exercise prescription intensity far obese subjects.
Stepping heights order was randomized using a balanced Latin Square. Oneway ANOVA with repeated measures by stepping height & simple regression analysis between Stepping heights & each time of heart rate were used to detect statistical differences of obese groups.
The results showed that there was significant prediction equation at l0sec-total heart rate except rest time according to stepping heights(p<0.001)and Stepping time, and that total & maximal heart rate according to Stepping height(p<0.001)[total heart rate SNK-test : 60㎝ vs 55㎝, 50㎝, 45㎝, 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, 55㎝ vs 50㎝, 45㎝, 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, 50㎝ vs 45㎝, 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, and 45㎝ vs 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, 35㎝ vs 30㎝. maximal heart rate SNK-test 60㎝ vs 50㎝, 45㎝, 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, 55㎝ vs 50㎝, 45㎝, 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, 50㎝ vs 45㎝, 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, 45㎝ vs 40㎝, 35㎝, 30㎝, and 40㎝ vs 35㎝, 30㎝].
In conclusion, the stepping exercise using adequate stepping height in aerobic exercise ability can be use efficient exercise intensity at obese mans, and offer diagnostically data of aerobic fitness.
Therefore, these stepping exercise required computer program conversion by establishment of stepping height intensity in order to efficiently improve exercise prescription of nation’s aerobic fitness.
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The kinematic analysis on take - off motion of the women's long jump 자연과학편 : 우리나라 우수 여자 멀리뛰기 선수의 발구름 동작 분석
33(2) 467-478, 1994
The kinematic analysis on take - off motion of the women's long jump 자연과학편 : 우리나라 우수 여자 멀리뛰기 선수의 발구름 동작 분석
The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the kinematic variables on take-off motion of the long jump for the purpose of improving flight length.
A typical 16㎜ high speed film analysis technique including DLT(Direct Linear Transformation) method of three dimensional cinematograpy was adapted to record and analyze total of four long jumps that use the left takeoff leg performed by Korean elite women athletes at a track and field events.
The following were found that :
The takeoff velocity of Korean elite women long jumpers were somewhat slower than that shown by foreign athletes and the C. O. G height of Korean elite women long jumpers were lower than that shown by foregin athletes.
It was concluded that maintaining touchdown velocity during initial phase of takeoff foot touch and increasing takeoff velocity would be result in optimal takeoff angle and good record.
Increase in the angular displacement of the body lean angle and knee angle at takeoff, and decrease in the angular displacement of the body lean angle were found to the important to improve the flight length.
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Hye Young Kim , Jong Mann Yang
33(2) 479-488, 1994
Hye Young Kim , Jong Mann Yang
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A Study on the Changes and Correlations of Contractile Properties following Endurance Training in the Skeletal Muscle 자연과학편 : 지구력 훈련이 골격근의 수축특성 변화 및 제 요인간의 상관성 연구
최석준SuckJunChoi , 김민선MinSunKim
33(2) 489-498, 1994
A Study on the Changes and Correlations of Contractile Properties following Endurance Training in the Skeletal Muscle 자연과학편 : 지구력 훈련이 골격근의 수축특성 변화 및 제 요인간의 상관성 연구
최석준SuckJunChoi , 김민선MinSunKim
The purpose of this study was to compare contractile properties of the soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles between 8 weeks endurance training group(8-ETG) and non-training group, and to investigate the correlations of contractile properties in non-training group.
The results of this experiment were as followings :
1. 8-ETG the body weight was 53g lower than non-training group(P<0.01), but the muscle weight of the soleus muscle was significantly heavier(30.7㎎) than non-training group(P<0.01>. However, the increment of the muscle weight in medial gastrocnemius muscle was slight.
2. In contractile properties of the soleus muscle, the contraction time of 8-ETG was 3.6ms faster than non-training group(P<0.05). Maximum twitch tension and tetanic tension at 2 min were increased to 13.4g, 60%, respectively, following 8-ETG, and fatigue index was 13% higher in 8-ETG(P<0.01). However, all contractile properties of the medial gastrocnemius muscle showed minimal changes by endurance training for 8 weeks.
3. In the correlations of contractile properties of the soleus muscle of non-training group, the body weight had correlation with muscle weight(r=0.99, P<0.01) as well as maximum twitch tension(r=0.69, P<0.05). Muscle weight was significantly correlative to maximum twitch tension(r=0.79, P<0.05) and fatigue index(r=0.69. P<0.05), respectively.
4. The medial gastrocnemius muscle showed similar pattern with to the soleus muscle in the correlation of contractile properties.
These above results suggest that endurance training for 8 weeks has more greater influence on contractile properties of the soleus muscle which composed of mainly slow twitch muscle fibers. Because of significant correlations between muscle weight and muscle tension, hypertrophy of the muscle would be enhanced with endurance training.
Further experiments are needed to evaluate that endurance training for 8 weeks is inadequate training schedule or other training schedules are necessary to ameliorate contractile properties of the medial gastrocnemius muscle.
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Effects of caffeine administration on metabolic hormone response during submaximal exercise 자연과학편 : Caffeine 의 투여가 최대하 운동부하시 대사성 Hormone 반응에 미치는 효과
33(2) 499-507, 1994
Effects of caffeine administration on metabolic hormone response during submaximal exercise 자연과학편 : Caffeine 의 투여가 최대하 운동부하시 대사성 Hormone 반응에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to describe the effects of caffeine ingestion on metabolic hormone responses during submaximal exercise.
Twelve male athletes from long-distance runner, aged 19-22yr participated in the study. No subjects had any remarkable medical history and none were taking medications.
According to the administrations of dehydrated caffeine(CA)(6㎎/㎏) or placebo(PA), they were classified into two groups such as caffeine group and placebo group. A randomized, double-blind, crossover protocol was employed using either CA or PA. Subjects underwent a submaximal bicycle exercise test prior to randomization.
Blood was drawn intravenously prior to 60 min., at rest, at 30min., and 45min, of exercise, and recovery period. Plasma concentration of epinephrine, norepinephrine and insulin were obtained using high performance liquid chromato graph and radio immunology assay methods.
Followings were obtained by the tests and analyses :
1. Epinephrine(EP) were revealed no significant difference between the two. After exercise. EP were higher than resting both caffeine group(390.4±61.1pg/㎖) and placebo group(300.0±38.3pg/㎖) respectively(p<.05).
2. Norepinephrine(NP) were not significant difference between the two. After exercise, NP were higher than resting both caffeine group(1215.3±190.4pg/㎖,p<.0l) and placebo group(1024.9±220.4pg/㎖, p<.05) respectively.
3. Insulin(IN) of 30min. of exercise had significant difference between caffeine group of 170.8± 21.8pmol/1 and placebo group of 90.4±17.9pmo1/1(p<.05). And IN of recovery of caffeine group(216.0±70.4pmol/1, p<.01) were higher than placebo group(80.6±16.6pmo1/1).